Gestalt therapy is a humanistic and experiential approach to psychotherapy that focuses on the present moment and the individual's experience in the here and now. Developed by Fritz Perls, Laura Perls, and Paul Goodman in the 1940s, Gestalt therapy places a strong emphasis on awareness, personal responsibility, and the integration of mind, body, and emotions. The term "Gestalt" itself is German for "whole" or "complete," reflecting the therapeutic goal of helping individuals recognize and understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as interconnected aspects of a unified whole.
In Gestalt therapy, practitioners work to explore and clarify clients' immediate thoughts, emotions, and sensations, aiming to help them gain insight into patterns and unresolved issues. The therapeutic process often involves creative and experiential techniques, such as role-playing, empty-chair exercises, guided imagery and metaphors, fostering a deeper understanding of the client's internal experiences and interpersonal relationships. The emphasis on self-awareness and personal responsibility distinguishes Gestalt therapy, making it a dynamic and holistic approach that seeks to empower individuals in their journey toward greater self-understanding and authentic living.